Learn Arabic through movies, songs, sports and inspiring speeches

Learn Arabic using real video clips. Watch your progress grow with content that enhances auditory and cultural understanding.

Benefit from a diverse collection of videos, organized by different topics, equipped with Arabic scripts accompanied by English translations for easier understanding.

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  DALIL supports the self-learning process

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I think DALIL is exceptional in its abilities to teach students new vocabulary in a real-life context. I am certainly happy when students increase their vocabulary, especially when they demonstrate its correct use in new, self-created contexts. These are the best moments for us as language teachers, and DALIL can be the catalyst for these moments to happen! From my point of view, I see that “DALIL” is superior to all other learning methods, especially traditional classroom learning, using textbooks, and presenting content via presentation slides. DALIL, the guide has proven to be extremely useful for students and teachers, and will certainly continue to be increasingly popular!

- Mrs. Salma Al-Qadi, Primary School Teacher.

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When I came across DALIL, I couldn't have been happier. I was looking for an educational site that would allow all of my classes, at all levels, to experience modern Arabic, not from a conversation in an old book. This site allows you to choose content based on your students' level, and provides a way to track their progress. We watch TV commercials, listen to Arabic songs, TV dialogues, etc. It makes learning Arabic fun and easy!

- Ms. Rehab Saad, Secondary School Teacher.

Soon will be available on iOS/Android mobile apps

It's a video dictionary.  Search for videos that contain the words, phrases, topics that you want to explore.


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Easy to know the right pronunciation

Each video comes with new vocabulary

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Videos are carefully categorized into three levels

Wide selection of videos that guarantees the students' engagement

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Dual language subtitles

Hover over a word to look it up

Know the right pronunciation

Each video comes with new vocabulary

The English translation of the word

Videos are carefully categorized into 3 levels

A wide selection of video that guarantees the students' engagement

An easy search tool

Never spend the time searching for videos somewhere else

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